1926 Clearfield Deluxe Glass TRF Radio


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Manufactured in theĀ  mid-1920’s by the Sherman Radio Corporation in New York City, the Clearfield Deluxe 6-tube TRF radio does not require much in the way of explanation. What you see is literally what you get.

At at a time when broadcast radio was still in its infancy and the voices and music that you heard in your living room were — you’d been told — transported there via invisible “waves,” the Clearfield was built to showcase its mysterious radio-wave-gathering components in the most compelling way possible — by enclosing them in a glass house so that they could be viewed at any time, from any angle, and in so doing, confirm for all who cared to look that the radio consisted of tubes and tuners, not tiny people playing miniature musical instruments.

True, much of the “magic” is hidden inside the coil housings and on the underside of the baseboard, but what really counted, what demonstrated that the radio was an appliance and not a sorcerer’s box, was out there in the open, visible to the naked eye.

Condition overall is excellent. There’s a small hairline, less than an inch long, running from the right rear corner of the top glass pane to the right rear standard, but it ends at the standard. Otherwise, the glass sides are intact and undamaged, with no cosmetic or structural issues. The heavily carved base is likewise in excellent condition, with no damage to the “gingerbread” trim.

The radio’s circuit is original throughout, as are its AF transformer and coupling resistors. The wiring harness is in good shape, and all of the leads have been labeled. The tubes and AF transformers are good, as are all four of the RC resistors, but you’ll need to go through the circuit with a schematic diagram to confirm the wiring and connections if you wish to make the set operational.

A rarely encountered radio in excellent original condition.


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